
Quantum Glory – Phil Mason – Ebook Hot on Sale

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Quantum Glory is a new book by Phil Mason which explores the intriguing intersection between the two realities of quantum mechanics and the glory of God.This revolutionary book explores how the sub-atomic world is a revelation of exceptionally intricate divine design that unveils the mind of our Creator. The author explains how the glory of God invades our physical universe to affect miracles of divine healing and supernatural manifestations. Already causing a stir with some of the greatest prophetic leaders of our time, this book is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the relationship between heaven and earth!

We are in the midst of a worldwide move of God with signs and wonders breaking out all over the world. In Quantum Glory, Phil Mason combines his passion for the science of quantum physics with his personal wealth of experience in supernatural ministry and sound Biblical theology. The result is an explosive mix of revelation that has the potential to powerfully envision and activate you to alter the very fabric of the physical world around you through the healing ministry of Christ. This book fills a vital gap in the literature that is emerging in this present wave of revival.

– Dr. Che Ahn President, Harvest International Ministry, International Chancellor Wagner Leadership Institute

Phil Mason is one of the most exciting thinkers, speakers and trainers in the area of Christian spirituality with regard to the New Age movement and the new sciences. Only someone steeped in the Spirit of God could write about something so complex and make it seem thoroughly natural, normal and readable. God is still creating ways for His people to respond to His overtures. All creation speaks of Him and the language and principles of quantum physics are a vital part of His heavenly discourse with humanity. From quantum non-locality through sound waves, string theory, the mathematical order of nature, quantum geometry and the golden ratio, to the alignment between quantum physics and the supernatural, the glory of God and the key to miracles; you will understand more about the radiant nature of God in this book than in any other tome that is specifically non-specific. I heartily recommend Phil Mason to you as a leader in the field of modern day spirituality, the new sciences and the supernatural gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

– Graham Cooke; Author, Speaker, and Owner of Brilliant Book House.com

Phil s book stirs me every time I pick it up. It should leave us all thinking, How great is our God and Creator! Genesis 1:31 says; Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. There is a world that we can t even see with our eyes but it holds together the world we can see. Quantum Glory will bring us to realize that all things move and breathe and have their being in God s glory. This book should make us marvel at the amazing God we love and serve!

– Pastor Beni Johnson; Bethel Church – Redding, California, Author of The Happy Intercessor

Phil Mason s book Quantum Glory puts difficult scientific theories within the grasp of the ordinary person. It gives reasonable intellectual language to spiritual concepts of faith through the exploration of the science of quantum physics. This book is a brilliant read with obvious years of research and great depths of understanding.

– Dan McCollam; Sounds of the Nations, Director of the IWAR (Institute for Worship Resources) Vacaville, California

Phil s book absolutely resonates with the musician, psalmist and God-lover in me! There is such a depth of rich insight into both the natural laws surrounding the quantum realm and the spiritual principles surrounding the glory realm! Prepare to have your circuits blown!

– Sean Feucht; Director of Burn 24 7 Prayer Movement, Co-Author of Fire and Fragrance: From the Great Commandment to the Great Commission

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